Creating your offer

  • Updated

You're probably well aware that every task that you ask a site visitor to do requires you communicating a direct benefit. The visitor will get the benefit if they do the task. Gated Offers with SheerID are no different. You need to incentivize visitors to give you their personal information, in exchange for a clear benefit. At SheerID, we call this your offer.

For most of SheerID's customers, that offer is a price discount. There's a clear exchange of value: give us your information, get verified, and you'll save some money.

NOTE: If you're a retailer using one of SheerID's partner apps, the app will help you with this step.


Part i: Think through your offer definition

  • How much is the discount?
  • Do you want to define the offer as a percentage or absolute value?
  • Are there any limitations on what the discount can be applied to?


Spotify's student offer gives 50% off + free access to Hulu and Showtime





You're inviting someone to deepen their relationship with you, so make them feel special. Make the discount better than any other discounts they can easily redeem without verifying. For example, if you offer 10% off first purchase for joining a mailing list, offer 20% off for getting verified. When they're verified, you can both add them to your mailing list AND learn more about them with their zero-party, verified data.



See real-world examples of offers, across a variety of industries.


Part ii: Set up Your Offer

In whatever platform you use to power your customer purchasing, create your offer object. Typically, this will be called a "discount" or "promotion".

  • Depending on what platform you're using, you may need to compromise on how you define your offer.
  • You may need to talk with some of your internal team to figure out the specific mechanics. 
  • Creating the offer is tightly linked to step 2, enabling people to redeem it.
  • We recommend keeping your offer evergreen, without a time limit. In our experience, limited-time offers can lead to customer support headaches, because inevitably excited customers miss the availability window.


Next step: Create offer codes

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