Account ID
A unique identifier for the SheerID customer account that submitted the request.
Affiliation Types
Affiliation Types indicate the type of affiliation(s) either selected by the individual or verified by SheerID. Values in this column will be self-explanatory, e.g., STUDENT_FULL_TIME , FACULTY , VETERAN .
Campaign Name
The name given to the verification program in MySheerID.
Data Updated Date
The date the affiliation information was most recently updated by the data source.
Eligible : The individual has been matched against at least one verification source and is verified to be eligible for the offer.
Ineligible : The individual is not currently eligible for the offer because they have not been verified against against a verification source.
Curious how best to reach ineligible consumers? Read our best practices here.
A list of errors encountered during the process for the verification request.
A current date is missing. Please upload an official dated
document that proves your current status. Date is missing on uploaded document.
Data source is temporarily unavailable. Skipped instant because the data source is down.
Operation canceled by user. SSO or Email loop wasn't completed by user.
Person may not verify again because of fraud limit. Hit a redemption limit or Fraud Rules Engine to prevent offer abuse.
Response data not provided within timeout window. Skipped instant because the data source was latent/unavailable.
The document does not prove you are a status eligible for
this offer. Document does not show consumer is eligible (could be missing information and/or just be a selfie).
The document has already expired or was issued too far in
the past. Please upload a more recent document. Document does not show that consumer is currently eligible (example: currently enrolled student or currently employed teacher).
The document is insufficient for establishing eligibility
for this offer. Document does not show customer is eligible (could be missing information and/or just be a selfie).
The document is not official or on the list of accepted document
types. There are some document types we cannot accept for certain groups and/or sometimes we need a document to be on official letterhead.
The document was unreadable due to poor image quality. Please
make sure you have a clearly legible image that's bright
and crisp and try to upload again. We were unable to read the document.
The first name on the document does not match the first name
you entered on your verification form. First name entered on the verification form doesn't match the first name shown on the document.
The last name on the document does not match the last name
you entered on your verification form. Last name entered on the verification form doesn't match the last name shown on the document.
The job title shown in the document is not eligible for this
offer. Consumer uploaded a document that shows based on their job title that they are not eligible for the offer.
The organization name on the document does not match the
organization name you entered on your verification form. Organization name (e.g. School, Employer, Military branch) shown on document is different than what was entered/chosen on the verification form.
The status on the document does not match the status you
entered on your verification form. Example: consumer chose active duty on verification form but document shows veteran status, consumer chose doctor on verification form but document shows nurse status.
Your first name is missing. First name missing from document.
Your organization name is missing. Organization name (e.g. School, Employer, Military branch) is missing from document.
To learn more about errors and how to handle them, see Errors in our REST API documentation.
Organization Entity ID
A unique identifier for the requested organization.
Organization Name
The name of the requested organization. Organization Name values will depend on the Organization Type.
For the UNIVERSITY Organization Type, the values will be the school selected or entered by the individual requesting eligibility verification.
For the MILITARY Organization Type, the values will be the Branch of Service.
For the CORPORATE Organization Type, the values will be the Company (Employer) selected by the individual requesting eligibility verification.
Organization State
The US state in which the requested organization is located.
Organization Type
The type of requested organization. Organization types include UNIVERSITY , K12 , MILITARY , CORPORATE , FIRST RESPONDER .
Period Begin Date
The start of the most recent status period, e.g., the most recent term start date for a student or the most recent period of service start date for a military member. |
Period End Date
The end of the most recent status period, e.g., the most recent term end date for a student or the most recent period of service end date for a military member. A blank will indicate that the period is ongoing and current. |
Person ID
A unique identifier for a set of an individual’s identifying data, which can be used to recognize duplicate submissions of the same data. The Person ID is used to enforce SheerID's same-person limit policy. |
Referrer ID
If the verification was referred through SheerID’s social sharing feature, then the referrerId value will be the socialId of the person who took the share action. |
Request ID
A unique identifier for the verification request.
Request Timestamp
An ISO-formatted timestamp for the original request or the stamp of the most recent revision.
true if the individual has been matched in at least one Verification Source and currently has at least one of the requested affiliation types.
false if the individual has been matched in at least one Verification Source and does not currently have at least one of the requested affiliation types.
[empty] if the individual has not been matched in any Verification Source.
Same Person Limit (SPL)
The maximum number of approvals or requests permitted for the same person for a program.
See also our article on Redemption Limits.
Social ID
A unique identifier for the requestId ; used by the social sharing feature to track who makes a share action to refer additional customers to the offer. This identifier obfuscates any access to consumer PII, so the tracking is done securely. It has a 1:1 relationship with requestId .
Source Attribution
Any necessary attribution related to sources used to approve the verification. The only value that will appear as of January 2025 is:
Verification performed using API-sourced data from the French
National Center for University and School Works (CNOUS) available
The current status of the verification request. There are four possible values for this data element:
NEW indicates that the verification request has not yet been submitted to any Verification Source
PENDING indicates that the final response from verification sources has not been received. Requests with this status have either not completed Document Review Verification or are in-progress of verifying through Single Sign On sources
OPEN indicates that the verification request has been submitted to a verification source but the individual has not been matched. In most cases, OPEN statuses will have a blank Result and did not submit a document for review.
COMPLETE indicates that the verification request has been submitted to a verification source and the individual has been matched and has a result of TRUE or FALSE .
User ID
A unique identifier for the SheerID account user that submitted the request.
The SheerID account username of the user that submitted the request.
Verification Method
The method used to determine the result of the verification request. There are three possible values for this data element:
Instant The result was determined instantly.
Manual The result was determined manually, i.e. by manual document review.
[empty] The result has not been determined so no verification method applies. These verifications are awaiting more information from the consumer or expired before that information was provided.
Verification Types
The types of verification used to obtain a result for the verification request. Below are possible values for this data element:
AUTHORITATIVE – indicates that SheerID has attempted to find a match within one of its authoritative data providers.
ASSET REVIEW – indicates that no authoritative verification was attempted and the verification was performed via Document Review.
AUTHORITATIVE, ASSET REVIEW – indicates that SheerID did not find a match within one of its authoritative data providers, and the individual then uploaded a document for Document Review Verification.
EMAIL_LOOP – indicates that an email was sent to the address provided for verification and a link to click on from the email to complete the verification.
EMAIL_LOOP_WITH_DOMAIN_VALIDATION – indicates that an email was sent to the address provided for verification and a check was performed to confirm the domain of the email provided by the end-user matches an email domain listed for the provided organization.
HONOR_SYSTEM – indicates that a user was automatically approved after submitting a request.
INFO – indicates that a request was affected by our verification flow logic based on the details of the particular program and request in question.
IP_ADDRESS – indicates that a user's IP address was checked against the values set for that organization.
OVERRIDE – indicates that a user's verification was approved via an override code provided by a client of SheerID (usually only occurs when a user is verifying in-store).
PREDICTIVE – indicates that non-authoritative instant sources were consulted that make a prediction about the user's affiliation status.
SSO (Single-Sign On) – indicates that a user was verified by entering their credentials directly in a login screen hosted by the organization entered on the verification form and that organization letting SheerID know the login was successful.
VALIDATION – indicates that the user's email address provided for verification has a domain that matches a list of approved email domains associated with the organization when selected.