How to archive a program in MySheerID

  • Updated

When you create a verification program, some are meant to last indefinitely, while others are only active for a limited time. Archiving unused programs can help keep your MySheerID dashboard organized and tidy, while still retaining verification information should you need it later on. Archiving programs can be especially useful when utilizing Pulse offers that expire after a short time.

In this article, we will review the steps to archive a program in MySheerID.

Archiving a program

To archive a program, first navigate to the Programs section in your MySheerID account, located on the left-hand sidebar. There you will see a list of your programs, including those that are active or in Test Mode.

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From there, you can navigate to the program you wish to archive, and click on the meatball menu (...) on the right side. This will give you two options, Copy or Archive.

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Click Archive and you will receive a pop-up alert asking if you are sure you'd like to archive this program. Select "Archive program" if you would like to confirm and archive the selected program.

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Once the program is archived, be sure to remove any links from your webstore or website.

Viewing archived programs

Back in your Programs view, you can navigate to the top of the program list and toggle between Active and Archived programs.

If you wish to return any archived program back to your list of active programs, simply click the meatball menu (...) again on the right, and select Unarchive.

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