Instant Verification: Update to Low Income Instant Verification Logic
We have updated our verification logic to reflect the 2025 Federal Poverty Level Guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Instant approvals now use the latest income thresholds, with default set at 130% of FPL and options for 150%, 180%, or 200%.
Instant Verification: New Source Attribution in Downloadable Reports
To comply with regulations around certain Instant Data Sources, we have added a new "Source Attribution" column to downloadable reports in MySheerID or our Reporting API. Currently, this column will only display a note when verifications use data from CNOUS (French National Center for University and School Works) for French University Student approvals. These rows will state:
"Verification performed using API-sourced data from the French National Center for University and School Works (CNOUS), available through"
All other rows will remain blank.
For more details on data points in reports, visit our Developer Center. We've also updated our Reporting glossary in the Product Knowledge Base to define this new column.