July 2024 Releases

  • Updated

Consumer Verification: Document Review Language Update

We've updated the language on our document review page for better clarity with new wording: “The documents will be reviewed for authenticity by an optimized mix of manual and automated document review and compared against the information you provided." We have also removed outdated information about our document deletion process. Here’s what consumers will see in the document upload step of verification:

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 10.34.49 AM.png

Bug Fix: Age Verification

We fixed a bug for international age program users who couldn't move past the first verification step due to missing phone number collection.

Consumer Verification: Custom Verification Help Center Content 

To help consumers verify at a select number of our enterprise accounts, we added account-specific FAQs to our Help Center. Now, consumers who need help verifying at these companies will be able to see verification information that is specific to these programs.

Some updates may not apply to every program. Contact your CSM if you have questions about how these updates apply to your specific programs.

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