Consumer-facing emails and how to edit them

  • Updated

Each program built using the MySheerID program builder comes with a set of default consumer-facing emails that guide users through the verification process. This article will define each email message, offer details about additional optional email notifications, and explain how to edit consumer-facing emails within SheerID's program builder.

Default consumer-facing email notifications


This is the email that a user will receive at any point of the verification if they are approved. It could be instantly, after uploading a document, or any other step in the verification journey.


This is the email a user will receive after they upload a document that has been rejected. It will contain a CTA URL button to try uploading again using a new document, as well as helpful language around why their previous document was not accepted.

Maximum Attempts

If a user has uploaded documents three times and all have been rejected, they will receive the Maximum rejection email. It will let them know that they were unable to be approved for the offer.


This is the email a user will receive if not instantly verified and if they haven't uploaded a document yet. This email is triggered automatically at the 15 minute mark after initial instant failure, unless a document was uploaded. SheerID can assist in adding secondary reminder email notifications at a cadence of your choosing (i.e. 15 minutes and 2 days), but cannot add any supplemental copy/text to a second reminder email.

Optional consumer-facing email notifications

Email Loop

When Email Loop is enabled on a program an email will be sent to the user to determine that they have access to the inbox of the address that was used during verification. 


When a user has reached the maximum attempts at verification, or their verification has expired, there is an optional consolation offer that could be sent to them in an email. 

How to edit emails

  1. Log in to your MySheerID account (ensure your user account has Program Admin permissions)
  2. Select the program you wish to view
  3. Choose Settings from the top navigation bar
  4. Scroll down to find the Email card

Email Editing 1.png

5. Select the Email Type you would like to edit – this will display a preview of what the email looks like to consumers

Email Editing 2.png

6. Click the Edit button on the email frame to make changes and save once completed

Email Editing 3.png

These areas are not enabled to use Javascript or HTML. If added you may see an error and the program won't save the change. If you do not have access to the Email setting within your program, then you may have a custom program. In that case, please contact your CSM about how to make changes to your emails.