Benchmark reporting

  • Updated

This article will walk you through how to use our benchmark reporting tools to compare your own account’s performance to a sample of anonymized data from other SheerID clients.


The two Benchmark Reports in MySheerID provide you with comparative metrics for your MySheerID programs. To access the Benchmark Reports dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Reporting icon in the left-hand navigation menu
  2. Click on the More Data drop-down arrow to expand it
  3. Select either "Industry Benchmark Report" or "Consumer Community Benchmark Report"


Consumer Community Benchmark Report

The Consumer Community Benchmark Report compares your account’s performance against a large sample of other SheerID clients that target the same consumer communities. These consumer communities are also referred to as segments.

By default, the Student segment will be chosen when loading this report. If you do not have a student program or want to view data about a different consumer community, click the drop-down arrow next to Filters to open the filter pane and make another selection.

You can also select which months are included in the report.


The consumer communities supported by this report are as follows:

  • Military
  • Student
  • Teacher/Faculty
  • Medical
  • First Responder

Only companies with offers targeting these consumer communities will see this report. You must also have active verifications going back at least one full month. Only verifications from the United States are counted for either the Consumer Community or Industry Benchmark Reports.

Each Consumer Community Benchmark Report includes a sample size range to show the estimated number of comparison points for the charts. We also identify which Consumer Community filter is applied.


Industry Benchmark Report

The Industry Benchmark Report compares your account’s performance against a sample of SheerID clients within the same industry as you that target the same consumer communities.

By default, the Student segment will be chosen when loading this report. Your industry will be listed under the “How to use this dashboard” section.

If you are not in the Apparel Industry or want to view data about a different consumer community, click the drop-down arrow next to Filters to open the filter pane and make another selection. You can also select which months are included in the report.


The industries used for benchmarking are defined below:

Apparel Companies that produce and sell clothing and fashion accessories
D2C Manufacturing Non-apparel companies that make goods for sale through their own channels and other retail outlets
Software Companies that produce and sell computer software products
Omnichannel Retail Companies that sell goods online, in brick & mortar stores, or both
Media & Entertainment Companies that offer print, online, or streaming media and entertainment products
Travel & Leisure Companies that provide products and services related to tourism and leisure activities

Each Industry Benchmark Report includes a sample size range alongside which Industry and Consumer Community filters are applied.

A statistically significant sample must exist in order to provide Industry Benchmark reporting. If you have not received this report or data is not included for all your consumer communities, this sample size was not available for your industry or industry and consumer community combination.

Seasonal Volume Trend graph

The Seasonal Volume Trend graph presents your monthly total verification volume alongside the monthly volume percentage for the benchmark sample. This graph shows you where the high volume peaks are throughout the calendar year and whether your verification volume follows a similar trend.

Use this chart to gain awareness of seasonality for a particular consumer community so you can plan accordingly.


Aside from the Industry label, this graph is identical between the Consumer Community and Industry Benchmark reports. Because it is a yearly trend graph, it does not change if fewer months are applied in the filters.

Age Distribution chart

The Age Distribution chart shows comparative audience composition by age range. Each column represents the percent of verifications done by consumers in that age range for both you and the sample group.

Use this chart to identify opportunities to capture consumers in particular age groups.

In the example below, the company in question did slightly better than the sample in 25- to 34-year-olds, since 32.9% of their verifications were from this age group versus 30.6% of the sample's.


This chart is identical between the Consumer Community and Industry Benchmark reports. When using either report, changing the month filter will recalculate these values.

Geographic Distribution chart

The Geographic Distribution chart shows comparative audience composition by state. Each state is colored in increasing levels of green (you did more than average) to increasing levels of red (you did fewer than average). To see a metric for your variance from the average for the sample, simply hover over a particular state. The number displayed represents the difference in the distribution of your verifications versus the sample's average distribution.

Use this chart to identify opportunities to capture more consumers in particular states or regions.

A rating of -1.55 for Texas in the example below means that, on average, 1.55% less of your total traffic comes from Texas than those companies in the sample set. In this example, if 2% of your traffic comes from Texas, that means the sample averages 3.55% of their traffic from Texas.


This chart is identical between the Consumer Community and Industry Benchmark reports. When using either report, changing the month filter will recalculate these values.

Top Orgs tables

The Top Organization tables list the top 25 organizations for your account alongside the top 25 organizations for the sample accounts. Use this chart to identify some organizations not in your list that are with the sample.


These tables are identical between the Consumer Community and Industry Benchmark reports. When using either report, changing the month filter will recalculate these lists.

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